Photo of hugo fernandez Mexico
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I\'m from Piedras Negras Coah. Mexico was born here and work here. I\'ve always liked the sculpture my favorite toys was a bit of dough. Since then I made my first pieces .. gifts for my mom for grandmothers. for friends. at fifteen tube honor and good fortune to meet a Spanish sculptor \\ \"Luke Miguez \\\" work here in black stones and had sutaller art and made my first cast bronze pieces, learning patterns, use of...

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See everything we offer you!
7.87 x 11.81 in
7.87 x 5.91 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
25.59 x 21.65 in
13.78 x 13.78 in
7.87 x 19.69 in
4.72 x 7.87 in

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I\'m from Piedras Negras Coah. Mexico was born here and work here. I\'ve always liked the sculpture my favorite toys was a bit of dough. Since then I made my first pieces .. gifts for my mom for grandmothers. for friends. at fifteen tube honor and good fortune to meet a Spanish sculptor \\ \"Luke Miguez \\\" work here in black stones and had sutaller art and made my first cast bronze pieces, learning patterns, use of waxes and the lost wax method. I kept practicing, and performing pieces based on experimentation in plaster, cement, clay, wood, everything. I went to college and I spent hours in the school workshop, I did not study art, but used much of that workshop. After a time, destiny brought me back to Piedras. Lucas looking to find work and get me a job interview in a Japanese ceramic sweatshop here in this cd. There was my EXPERIENCE learn more modeling. piece by piece prefeccinando the use of clay. go to perfection and make molds, plaster wing traditional way. time is better, I get out of there to go to the family business. with my father and I disconnect from the sculpture, only house still rancher parts and \\ \"practicing not to lose the ability to \\\". Peizás long work in clay on skulls epoxy animals like bulls and horses. cougars and bears up to tube the opportunity to use as the basis for my sculptures.

5 years ago do a piece in clay, make molds, and took her to wax it over a period of 3 years \\ \"only inthe spare time, \\\" two years ago I make my first cast. and by trial and error, I discovered a different finish will mannered bronze. This you see is what has turned a rustic finish, unfinished \\ \"wrong \\\" but the part where the mold is finished ontengo perfection wing, bronze status mood of the work day will give me the finish of the piece.

this is my hobby, my hobby, my personal space to finish my work and family day. clear that my children also take the mud and play with me will learn something.

2yo here on earth to learn methods and means to represent my art. God gave me the gift of modeling \\ \"


Hugo \\ \"The Indio2

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